The lead color for UVA Wise institutional branding is an updated red called Highland Red. Supporting this is UVA’s Jefferson Blue.

Highland Red
CMYK Coated: C-2 M-100 Y-85 K-6
CMYK Uncoated: C-1 M-91 Y-72 K-3
RGB: R-210 G-20 B-20
HEX: #D21414

Jefferson Blue
PMS Coated Ink Mixture:
PANTONE Process Blue–19.80
PANTONE Medium Purple–14.50
PANTONE Black–15.70
PANTONE Trans. White–50.00
PMS Uncoated Ink Mixture:
PANTONE Process Blue–58.90
PANTONE Medium Purple–27.90
PANTONE Black–13.2
CMYK Coated: C-87 M-70 Y-22 K-44
CMYK Uncoated: C-98 M-83 Y-12 K-46
RGB: R-35 G-45 B-75
HEX: #232D4B
UVA Wise Athletics uses Highland Red along with colors from the neutral palette.